Be Open…To the Camera!
The camera is a force to be reckoned with and has a few demanding unwavering rules.
First, the camera wants to be able to see your eyes and look into the soul of the character. That means you as an actor have to be “camera open.” Typically this means you are looking slightly off to the side of the camera. When you look slightly off camera then the camera can fully see your expression without you looking right into the camera. Never look directly into the camera…unless your director has specifically directed you to do so!
Second, have you ever heard someone say The 180 Rule while on set? This rule is used in cinematography to help the audience’s perception of what is on screen. Audiences want to see the same actors on the same side of the screen. So if you are in a far out shot (master shot) or a closeup shot you need to stay on the same side of the screen. If you are standing on the left then every time you show up on camera, whether it is the back of your shoulder or your pretty face, you need to stay on the left side of the screen. Knowing how The 180 Rule works can help you understand where the camera wants you. When the camera changes angles and swaps characters’ closeups typically actors have to lean with the change so they stay on the same side of the screen.
Third, in a closeup the camera can see everything and then exaggerates it. If you turn your head quickly it looks like an earthquake happened. If you blink your eyes to many times it really becomes annoying to the audience. Soon all they notice is how many times you are blinking. If you move to much you go off screen and the camera can no longer see you. If you are the center of attention in a closeup remember to keep your motions smaller.
Thanks for reading guys. God bless with your acting endeavors!